Ban Biên Tập: H K Châu, L N Hui, Ng L Hương, C Ng Cường, Ng C Lâm, Ng Đ Thắng, NTHương

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Thư cám ơn của Trại Trưởng

Dear our beloved TT11 Staff and Volunteers,
WE did it!  YOU did it!  We pulled it off brilliantly.
Hundreds of people have approached me to sing praises about how wonderful our staff and volunteers are. They think we are “too nice” and that we work too hard, having outdone the expectations of all.
Scouts, Leaders, and parents shared that our TT11 program is one of a kind, one that has never been seen at Trại Thẳng Tiến. Our Opening Ceremony was a huge hit. At least 10 people told me they cried during the program – some were outside guests, some were leaders and parents, moved by our program delivered by Vietnamese youth who proudly displayed their pride in our heritage.
From every detail and aspect, we delivered what we promised to our campers. The camp gate and stage are imprinted in our campers’ mind and memories (hundreds of thousands of photos and videos were taken). From fundraising, check-in, camper’s package, security, sanitation, food, sound, transportation, water/ice, procurement, trading post, wifi and phone chargers, to the many fun and interesting programs of each and every day, we delivered our promises well. Opening and Closing programs, Campfires, Ngày Văn Hóa, Đố Vui Để Học, Chương Trình Tiểu Trại, COPE, Chương Trình Ngày Kết Thân, Color Run, Zumba, Fellowship, Set the Record, STEM, Rockets, Scuba, Chợ Đêm, Đêm Việt Nam, swimming, etc. were captivating even in the burning sun. Zello app worked well for communication and our Newsletter team was well appreciated. Tiểu Trại Trưởng Niên’s program was regarded as one of Thẳng Tiến’s best.
I am not able (a bit drained) at the moment to list all the details and the numerous individuals who made our jamboree possible. As in the words of our youth for TT11 Opening program “without you, I am nothing”.  Without you, Thẳng Tiến XI would not happen. 
A big shout-out to our staff and volunteers who were there from the week before to set-up camp and the few heroic ones who stayed until the last hour to make sure we can take-down camp and return Camp Snyder better than we found it. We remember each and every volunteer and staff, in the kitchen / dining hall, at the campground, and on the burning fields. A special recognition for all those local and California staff of Thanh Subcamp who willingly and cheerfully stepped in during the final hours to “cứu bồ”.  You got our back and with it our heart and appreciation.
The biggest thank you's go to our fearless leaders, Tr. Phạm Ngọc Lâm and Tr. Nguyễn Mỹ Hương, our Assistant Camp Chiefs.  They have sacrificed their energy, time, and money to make sure our jamboree is a big success.  WE LOVE YOU!
We will find a date to celebrate our achievements with the local team (after everyone has the chance to rest). These achievements are huge and worthy. Our Scouts, TT11 participants, and Vietnamese Scouting are worthy of our commitment, dedication, and tireless efforts during the past 2 weeks and since the past 2+ years.
Cám ơn tất cả các anh chị em đã hy sinh cho phong trào Hướng Đạo Việt Nam và cho trại TT11. Chúng ta đã cùng nhau THẲNG TIẾN và sẽ mãi nhớ những kỷ niệm đẹp này.

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